Thursday, August 26, 2004

Got the form to register for the Triathalon today. Turns out there are prizes! WOOO HOOOOO!! If I can be the top overall male I would get $250! But either way, I will receive a "2004 Reeds Lake Triathalon long sleeve, mock turtleneck." This is a day of celebration boys and girls. Not only am I running the risk of drowning in Reeds Lake, I'll also receive a mock turtleneck.

Does anyone wear those? I mean, anyone under 43 years old? I think there is a line you cross at 43 where all those kinds of clothes become mandatory.

So I'm starting the bidding for the mock turtleneck right now. I'll leave it open for the next three days. After that, the highest bidder will be the proud recipient. (All I will need is a mailing address--I'll even cover shipping costs.)

And if the bidder asks nicely, I might even autograph the shirt.

Is there any more giving person on the planet than thebaldtrain?!?!

I can't believe 23 people have visited the blog so far today. That's insane. Makes me wish I had something real to post.


Now playing: "Talking To Myself" by Cousteau.

Been busier than I like. Led a retreat over the weekend. Hung out with Amish Aaron and the family on Sunday and Monday. Back to work Tuesday morning, some recording in the afternoon and the Sarah McLachlan concert that night. Spent yesterday in Lansing in the studio again doing mix downs of two songs. Brings me to now--feeling a little sick (poor tummy!) and overwhelmed with all that I need to get done. Couple of comments and thoughts before I dive back into work.

For those interested (ie: JIM)--Sara Ann is my sister. Nothing romantic going on with her.

Concerts are strange events. I had a few prevailing thoughts from the SM show this week.
>> In every quiet space, some people want to scream something. I can't figure out why it's necessary to scream "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" in between someone's words in her song introduction. No music playing doesn't automatically provide a chance for you to holla does it?! Have I completely missed this concert-going fact?
>> People love to scream out "We love you (fill in the blank of your favorite artist)" I don't get this either. What I usually hate is hearing that artist speak back "I love you too!" Thankfully, that didn't happen this past week. She simply said "Thank you" and moved on.
>> A "well-placed" f-bomb can whip up a mob of people into a screaming frenzy. Why is that? In the middle of a lyric people have heard a billion times, why does the f-word (which I REALLY do hate--I'm pretty sure I've only said it like 5 times in my life!) make people so happy? It happened once Tuesday and people scream and raise their hands and jump up and down. Something about a celebrity using that kind of language must make people feel better about themselves...
>> The change from holding up a lighter in concert to holding up your CELL PHONE is idiotic. I looked around and there were no lighters I could see, but 4 dozen glowing cell phones. If you're a friend of mine and I ever hear about you doing that, there is a good chance that we won't ever speak again.
>> Knowing people and getting good seats (and free tickets) is a definite plus!

I'm looking into posting some songs for opinions and feedback. I've almost finished another for the EP.... Things are moving.

I'll try posting again in the morning.

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