Entrance music: "Stink" by Arab Strap.
The trend of inconsistent posts will continue. I leave for New York this afternoon. I doubt I'll have a chance to post before Saturday.
In my absence, I hope these images entertain you.

Exit music: "Something In My Eye" by Ed Harcourt.
I can understand why people don't love Neil Young. His voice reminds me of sushi–a lot of people can learn to love it, but I've stopped trying to convince people who just don't see the attraction. That said, everyone should listen to his upcoming record at least once. His new record,
Living With War, is a blatant anti-war record, but there is something endearing about his unpolished approach. This record was finished in 3 days supposedly and it has that charged energy throughout. Yes, he is politically inconsistent, but he's not confused about how he feels about the current administration or the conflict in Iraq. Songs like "Let's Impeach the President" sound immediately pretentious and silly, but there really is something about the songs that stop me from just shrugging off this hippie hero. The recordings are rough--drums, bass and electric guitar with seemingly no overdubs. And the mix is unique--the drums and electric seem to be as loud as the vocals in a lot of spots. It adds to the energy and passion of the songs. Plenty of gang vocals are here too. Give it a try, even if you don't agree with his political stance. This might be the most important thing Young has done since "Ohio," though it's not likely to have the same unanimous impact.
I'm overwhelmed and difficult to be around I think. I realized this morning how "needy" I feel right now. So many of my interactions with people have been laced with my insecurities and need to hear them tell me good things... I'm worried the number of things I'm responsible for won't be taken care of.
Sorry to those who I need to apologize to.