Monday, September 12, 2005

A few years ago I read the book Join Me and I loved it. I ended up recommending the book to a ton of people and did indeed join Danny Wallace. I've tried to keep up on his "boy stunts" and was thrilled to know he had a new book coming out. I picked up Yes Man and have loved it far more than the other two books--and I thought they were fantastic! I really enjoy the memoir writing style and the British humor--this book ends up combining both well.

At the risk of being self-promoting, Amy over at SYF has kindly asked if I wanted to post some music stuff on her blog. I've mentioned before how much I like her blog and I'm thrilled (honestly) that she asked me. Anyway, my first post was today. Feel free to check it out and check her blog regularly.

I'm surprised by the number of things that happen in my life that I'm not sure how I learned. I was changing a shower curtain today. Who ever sat me down to explain how I should do that? When did I even think about how I needed to occasionally change a shower curtain at all?

I've been playing two things online lately: Spider Solitaire was introduced to me and has both frustrated and captivated me. The second is this Putt-Putt game. I could use any advice about Spider Solitaire.

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