Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I've mentioned in passing my mouse "problem." I've had some poison set out for a while and now, thanks to Lori's stockpiling, some traps in a variety of places. One mouse has been accounted for, after s/he got her/his neck caught under the snapping bar of a trap. Last night I came in my room, flipped on the light and flipped out a little bit. (Hate admitting it, but it's true.) Lying in the middle of the floor, as though someone had planted it there, a mouse carcass. In it's "I'm-dead" pose--right in the middle of the floor. Sort of the way I imagine an ariel view of a desert would be looking down on a thirsty man who couldn't go any farther--not close to any edges, just collapsed in the middle.

Heading to see the fam and the adorable twins Friday. I hope everyone has a good holiday.

Couple reminders:

If you've not added yourself to the thebaldmap yet, you really should take the time to do so. I've been stuck on 13 for quite a while. All I want for Christmas this year is to have over 20 people... Is that too much for a bald man to ask???

mp3s o'plenty over at Shake Your Fist as Amy and I have both posted our favorite albums of the year. Sample the songs and then go out there and buy some of the music. There are great recordings represented from us. We have great tastes damnit.

Speaking of music, if you haven't ever visited, you might want to. Unless of course, you're a fan of Ruben Studdard or Alter Bridge (aka, "We don't need Scott Stapp to be a mediocre band!"). Otherwise, there are some entertaining moments in the site's videos.

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