Thursday, December 09, 2004

Currently playing: "Novacaine For The Soul" by The Eels.

I've had one of the more productive weeks in a long time. I can't believe just how much I've actually done. The two things I regret not doing this week:

(1) Eating better. I've decided that I'm going to try to reform my diet. I don't think I need to lose weight or anything like that. However, since I have crossed over this certain age "line," it will be increasingly difficult to keep in good shape. I've told people before: "I don't eat bad stuff usually. However, I also don't eat good stuff." I'm not real smart about what provides protein or certain vitamins or fibers etc etc etc. I am debating a couple different "diets" that involve a detox of sorts. I expect to be a different person health-wise in one calendar year. My December 9, 2005 post will be written by a different person physically. (Though I don't expect the follicle situation to be any different. Ho hum....)

(2) Clean the house. Those who know me understand how much I like having my living space clean. For some reason I just haven't cared much this past week. I've not done the dishes; I've let clothes lie where they fell off my body. This might not seem like a big deal. For me, the cleanliness of my place is a good indicator of the state of my life. If things are really clean inside my house, chances are I'm in a pretty healthy and balanced state of being. A glimpse in my bedroom right now would let you see that I'm either really unhappy (not accurate), over-committed (always somewhat accurate) or generally indifferent (probably true).

So c@it mentioned in her last post that she wants to start a music blog with me and another guy. I've not been able to stop thinking about it. I even wrote my first post this morning! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of writing almost entirely about music. I would "expect" every one of you who stop by and read this regularly to also visit that site once it is up and running. It would be worth it--c@it is not only unbelievably smart about Jeopardy categories, she is also a great appreciator of music and a pretty talented little html girl too. So the site would look good and have good content.



Sunday, December 05, 2004

Currently playing: "Fire" by Josh Joplin Group.

It seems like my vacation was so long ago... I'm definitely back into the normal pace of life--not sure if that's good or bad, but it's the way things are. I did get the chance to enjoy a Michigan snowfall since being back. It wasn't a lot of snow--probably just a few inches. As I walked out to my car I smiled because it was actually pretty. Some things can't be denied I guess... I quickly stopped smiling though--I couldn't find an ice scraper. So there I was searching my car and then inside my house, but I finally gave up and used the one thing in my car that would serve as a scaper: a cassette tape. Michael Jackson's "Dangerous." I'm sure it would have been entertaining to watch--I was pissed.

I had lunch with my friend Adam on Friday. Have you ever been around someone who can't eat while you are trying to eat? Adam is in the middle of a detox for his allergies--all he is having, for ten days straight, is a drink made up of lemon juice, honey, cyan pepper and sea salt. He has it three times a day and nothing else. He was on day 7 when we got together for lunch. I had no idea he wasn't eating. We were sitting in Friday's (a place I'm not happy about anyway) and he tells me the whole story. I felt really guilty the whole time--my food didn't taste good even! And he kept asking me "Is that good?" Weird lunch.

Currently playing: "She's Deceiving" by Swag.

I spent yesterday in Frankenmuth, Michigan. A group of Christmas lovers invited me to go. It's a German town that revolves entirely around Christmas. I expected it to be uncomfortably over-the-top. It ended up not being to bad actually. The first place we visited was unbearable. The amount of red and green and silver was enough to make my gag-reflex kick in quickly. I can't believe the amount of ornaments they had in this one place. Everything you could possibly want--from silver pickles to panty-showing, high-kicking cheerleaders. I'm not sure I'll be having a Christmas tree this year. It's amazing how many people find that shocking... I think people assume you don't "like" Christmas if you don't put up a tree and hang some lights around the window frames.

We've officially sold over 3,000 of the Christmas CDs now. It's exciting! Hopefully a lot of under-resourced kids here in West Michigan will have their lives improved a little because of what we've done.

I'm playing an hour set this Friday night in a coffee shop. It's time I get back out and try to make connections in this area!

More to come later.

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